Realised Projects

Project A: Reorganized the existing network

Reorganized the existing network for a German company across Europe, building a support network for agents and attracting new agents to strengthen the team.

Project B: Reorganized the agent network for the Central American market

Reorganized the agent network for the Central American market, expanding it to the Latin American market.

Project C: Developed a market presence in Asia

Developed a market presence in Asia, establishing representation in Southern Asia and opening the Chinese market for collaboration.

Project D: Expanded the Central European network

Expanded the Central European network.

Project E: Cambodia - Prepared a company for commercial drinking water

In Cambodia, we prepared a company for commercial drinking water production, handled negotiations with ministries, and established a distribution network ready for operational deployment. We also developed comprehensive business and financial plans.

Project F: Conducted market research - French market to establish new branch

For a Belgian firm, we conducted market research on the French market to establish a new branch focused on port handling, bulk, and container handling, with provisions for 24/7 technical support from the French market.

Project G: Start-up of new company for Waste watertreatment equipment

For a Belgian company, we have successfully completed a range of projects, including:

  • Negotiated Partnerships: Facilitated production and distribution agreements in Malaysia.
  • Established a Branch Office: Launched a new branch in Malaysia.
  • Business Plan Development: Created comprehensive business plans tailored to market needs.
  • Financial Plan Creation: Designed detailed financial plans to support business operations.
  • Contract Drafting: Prepared all necessary contracts for collaboration.
  • Comprehensive Marketing Strategy: Developed a complete marketing strategy to enhance brand presence.
  • Agent Network Initiation: Established agent networks across various regions including Southern Asia, Latin America, Southern Africa, and Europe.

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